One injectable service repeat treatment we offer is Dysport injections, which have been shown to reduce wrinkles on the face. Common injection sites include the forehead, eyebrows, smile lines, and forehead lines. Also, Dysport injections are used to treat the appearance of wrinkles, creases, and sagging eyebrows, so it’s great for giving your face a youthful appearance. Plus, Dysport is a non-invasive and painless procedure. Smooth frown lines, crow’s feet, furrows on the forehead, and skin bands on the neck create a refreshed, less tired, more youthful appearance! If you’re looking for Dysport and injectable & filler deals: we are the place to get the best deals for Injectables & Fillers near you.

Dysport®: An alternative botulinum toxin treatment for Wrinkles
Dysport is a highly effective injectable, similar to Botox and Xeomin. Dysport is a prescription treatment injected into the skin to reduce muscle movement in certain areas of your face temporarily. Dysport injections are FDA-approved injectables shown to reduce wrinkles on the front of the face. Which creates soft, natural-looking brows and less visible wrinkles. Ninety-five percent of users who have only done two treatments per year say they’re satisfied with the results, and even better, 97 percent of injection clients noted that the effects looked natural and wanted a repeat treatment for their facial lines.
What are the differences Between Dysport® and Botox®?
We want to ensure that clients do not have any contraindications to our forehead or wrinkle reduction injections, after completing our analysis your treatment with Dysport will begin. Dysport (abobotulinumtoxin A) is an injection for wrinkle treatment. This noninvasive procedure temporarily decreases muscle movement in the target areas to soften the appearance of glabellar lines, the vertical wrinkles most prominent on your forehead in between your eyebrows. The first thing the specialist will do is clean and disinfect the site, before applying anesthetic ointment to make your injectable filler treatment more comfortable. They will then inject Dysport into five strategic injection site locations above and between your eyebrows in order to keep you wrinkle free. . You should expect to be done within minutes after completion of the injection.
Good candidates for Dysport are not allergic to any of the ingredients in Dysport (botulinum toxin Type A, albumin, and lactose). They do not have a skin infection at or near the injection site.
We'll make sure you are comfortable - before and after a Dysport treatment. We use only sterile products and do not reuse needles to ensure your safety also, if the injections are injected in an area where blood vessels are close to the skin's surface.
There are many advantages to Dysport treatment that will make you happy with the results. This injection targets facial wrinkles, which is something that can be a source of embarrassment and stress for people. It can help diminish the appearance of lines around your mouth and nose by removing muscle contractions that cause these creases to form over time.
Dysport's benefits are many, including the effectiveness, safety, and the convenience of it. If you have any questions about this treatment or want to know more information, please contact us at our free phone consultation line: 602.622.7000
Dysport treatments are non-surgical and take less than five minutes to administer. After treatment, you can go home or return to work without any complications, as the procedure does not require any downtime. Results can be seen as early as two days after treatment and can last for as long as five months!
Best use cases:
- Frown lines
- Stress lines
- Forehead wrinkles
- Crow's Feet around the eyes
- Upper lip wrinkles